Okay, here is my final post for the day. I needed to catch everyone up on what's been happening in our lives. So this past week the boys started summer sports. Spencer is playing tball and Gavin is going to tennis lessons. They both meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10-11 at the high school. It's great they are at the same time, but bad because we can't watch them both. The first day Kyle was working days and I had to run back and forth between the two. Let's just say I got my excercise. Spencer really enjoyed his game. They each bat once in a inning. He did really well playing defense. He got some really good outs. I didn't get to see them (I was with Gavin) but my friend Tonya and Kyle said so. I did get to see him chase another boy down to get him out . Way to go Spencer !!!
Just like Spencers program Gavins is ran by high school students. Gavin is in a group of 4, another boy and two girls. He is having fun and wakes up every morning and askes is it tennis day?He says to me when he was done the first day.
G: I won mom
M: Really? you did
G: Yeah, I hit the ball over the net everytime.
The week after school got out the church the Gavin's preschool is in had VBS. The boys went and had a carnival the last day after it was over. We got to have lunch then go outside for blow up jumpies and games. They had a blast.
All of this and we havn't even got to July. My poor boys need to slow down. I guess I need to slow them down. Spencer was soooo tired the first day of VBS I could hardly wake him up. He ended up staying home with Kyle and I the first day. He went after finding out how much fun Gavin was having. Hopefully, I won't take so long getting posts up next time. Hope all is werll.
1 comment:
You are having a crazy summer. So are we, but it's fun. We go to the pool a lot with friends, the girls start their second VBS for the summer next week then have their third the last week of the month. Right after that we head to MI. Can't wait to see everyone! The summer is flying by so fast...soon after we get back from MI, school will be starting back up. WHEW!! It makes me tired just thinking about how busy it is. :)
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