Spencer has really taken a interest in sports. It just took him a little while to come around. This was a nice treat for me to see the boys outside with Kyle playing baseball. I say it's a treat for me because they have been playing in my familyroom.
Here is Gavin having his at bats. If it was possible I think he'd stay outside all the time. I try to make it fair for him, but if Spencer comes in I fell like I can't trust Gavin out. This summer I'm letting the sting go a little and letting them go out on their own. Spencer always tells me he can watch Gavin. With that Gavin has experienced the consequence of not letting us know where he is at all times. Spencer had wanted to come in one afternoon to rest so I ask where is Gavin. " I don't know" was the response I got. (and he wants to watch Gavin outside) I go to find him to check on him. Much to my surprise I could not find him at his usual spots. At this point I've gone out barefoot so I go back to get some shoes and mention to Kyle I can't find Gavin. He get out in his comfy cloths he had just woke up. At this point a neighbor and I are up and down the street shouting his name and looking in backyards, Kyle has gotten on his bike and checking the park and other streets. (Gavin often thinks because he plays with the older kids he can do the things they do such as go the the park.) Finally, Brian says do you check Emma house? I had, but only the backyard. Sure enough he was in her house. So I ask them to send him out and let him know he was in trouble for not letting us know where he was. I sent him into my bedroom to WAIT ! Kyle comes around the corner you can see he was worried and mad all at the same time. I tell him Gavin in fine and waiting for me to come in a punish him. Kyle basically tosses his bike at me and says "I'll take care of it." Oh boy, that doesn't happen often. Mommy is the one who punishes the boys. Needless to say I think Gavin will let us know where he is going to be from now on. 
You know there really isn't a day that goes by that there are not MANY children outside playing on our street. Now that summer in upon us we are crazy with kids. School does not officially let out until Thursday, but you can fell the summer in the air. Above is just a portion of the kids that we get to play with on a day to day basis. The kids were lucky enough to join some friends in our neighbors pool this past week. They have a blast together.
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