Monday, January 26, 2009
Merry CHRISTmas part 1
We are blessed to live in a state that has four seasons. Everyone asked me I bet you wish you were still in New Mexico when this snow hit. I simply respond "no I love having 4 seasons" Here are they boys among others on our street enjoying the snowhill in the court. When the plow trucks come down our street they push all the snow to the middle of the circle. As you can see the kids love it.
They boys were trying out thier sleds in the backyard. We had lots of fun on this day. School was cancelled so we enjoyed it. Well they did anyhow, I just snowblowed a lot !! Once this snow was gone we got more and even had school cancelled for a cold day. It was 26 below zero so they didn't have school. It has been so cold here the snow has not had a chance to melt yet. I don't remember having such a cold and snowy winter.
The boys got to see Santa at the Gibralter Border Patrol Station Christmas party. We had a fun time. All of the kids ran around and enjoyed eachother. It great they don't know one another and still manage to have a good time.
Spencer was not so sure about Santa. At this point Santa was giving him a hard time about his red hair.
Now here we are the tree Christmas morning. Notice the Michigan hats in the tree? Kyle went out and shopped Christmas Eve, yes Kyle did. He went out for those hats because he was putting the boys to bed one evening and Spencer told him he really wanted a Michigan hat. He could not stand it he hat to go get him one. Until next time when I will tell you all about Chritmas morning. I hope you have enjoy our updates as of yet, but be prepared I still have more.
Christmas preperation
We were not home very long and Kyle was off to Ohio for a detail. He was doing oral hiring boards. While he was gone I had to hold down the fort. Usually not to hard of a task. Of course while he was gone both the boys had a event on the same day. Spencer has his Christmas program at school and Gavin had a field trip. Luck for me I was able to attend the morning performance (dress rehearsal) for Spencer and still take Gavin to his field trip. We even invited his friend Mackenzie along.
Above Gavin, Mackenzie and Gavin bestest buddy Brady are enjoying the Christmas scenes.

I asked Gavin if he would please take a picture with me. He had to silly it up and jump on my back. It turned out pretty cute even though he almost knocked me over jumping up.
Two years ago when we first meet Mackenzie and her family she used to say Gavin was her boyfriend. Now she says no way and Gavin will say she is his girlfriend. It's too cute. Of course her dad doesn't think so. Mackenzie has a sister Samantha who is Spencers age, they were in the same preschool class together. That is how we meet. Since then we have had many play dates and fun time with their family. All while watching their little brother grow up. Even though they are girls my boys really enjoy the time they spend with them.

Spencer is not much for performing. He was up on the stage just going through the motions. He is a trooper at this point he had not had much time to learn the songs. We had only been home a few weeks.
Getting ready to leave for school the morning of the Christmas program. He was excited to were his Santa hat. If your reading this you have noticed I put the pictures in backwards. I meant for this one to be the first one and so on, but oh well you get the idea.
I asked Gavin if he would please take a picture with me. He had to silly it up and jump on my back. It turned out pretty cute even though he almost knocked me over jumping up.
Spencer is not much for performing. He was up on the stage just going through the motions. He is a trooper at this point he had not had much time to learn the songs. We had only been home a few weeks.
Getting ready to leave for school the morning of the Christmas program. He was excited to were his Santa hat. If your reading this you have noticed I put the pictures in backwards. I meant for this one to be the first one and so on, but oh well you get the idea.
Our trip home
On a cold November morning in Roswell we got in the car before 7:00 a.m. headed for home. Gavin being his silly self for a picture that I requested to remember our travels. The boys did real well in the car except for fighting over who was going to hold the dog. Who also traveled well.
I am always the one taking the pictures, but I thought why not lets get one one me too. Yikes! That was not the smartest move, Kyle took this while driving. If you know one thing I truly hate it's being in a car for a long drive. Well at this point in out trip (we were only in the car for about a 1/2 hour) I suggested to Kyle that we drive straight home no stopping. What was I thinking? He made the decision to stop two nights.......what a smart man.
Here he is our driver. What a trooper he drives the entire way. It's a great little arrangement we have he drives I deal with the boys. All three of them this time.

And we can't forget about Spencer. He is such a great traveler. As long as he has his pillows and a good movie to watch he can hang as long as we need him to.

We left Roswell on Sunday around 7:00 a.m. and pulled into our driveway in Michigan (losing 2 hours from time difference) on Tuesday at 11:30 a.m.. We made great time. As much as I wanted to bang my head off of the window I held it together and put a smile on my face and enjoyed the ride. Well as much as I could. We are happy to be home. Our first week home was crazy busy. Spencer went to school on Wednesday, yes the day after getting home. He was so excited to see all of his friends. What a nice change it was to see him enjoy his day at school. Kyle and I had to stand up in a wedding on Friday the 21st. Our first week home was a exciting time. We miss our family in New Mexico, but in our first week home we remembered why we love it here so much.
And we can't forget about Spencer. He is such a great traveler. As long as he has his pillows and a good movie to watch he can hang as long as we need him to.
We left Roswell on Sunday around 7:00 a.m. and pulled into our driveway in Michigan (losing 2 hours from time difference) on Tuesday at 11:30 a.m.. We made great time. As much as I wanted to bang my head off of the window I held it together and put a smile on my face and enjoyed the ride. Well as much as I could. We are happy to be home. Our first week home was crazy busy. Spencer went to school on Wednesday, yes the day after getting home. He was so excited to see all of his friends. What a nice change it was to see him enjoy his day at school. Kyle and I had to stand up in a wedding on Friday the 21st. Our first week home was a exciting time. We miss our family in New Mexico, but in our first week home we remembered why we love it here so much.
Where has the time gone???
As I was reading my sister in-laws well updated blog I realized I have not updated our family blog in a long time. As posted in the past we were in New Mexico. Lucky for us Kyles parents live there. Surly you remember that from past posts. Here is a picture that the boys took with Grandma and Grandpa after church on Sunday morning. It was great to have spent so much time with them. Not only did Kyle and I enjoy having spent time with them the boys did too:)
Here is a family picture the boys insisted we took. I had a mission to get a good family picture for our Christmas card and the boys insisted we make a silly picture as well. Who could resist that?
We truly did enjoy our time in New Mexico, but it was a real surprise and great treat to find out in early October that Kyle was offered a supervisor position back in Michigan. At his current station in Gibralter. Not that being in New Mexico with family wasn't great, but the thought of going home was music to my ears. I think I can take the prize for being most excited but I was not alone. Although Kyle was enjoying his time as a driving instructor it's just hard to not be at your own house and in your own bed. Spencer and Gavin were both glad to hear the news. Spencer more then Gavin. He did not have a great experience at his school there. We had to wait a little over a month to get the okay to head home. More to follow about that. So on November 16 we had the car loaded up and we headed for home !
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