Monday, September 29, 2008

Just for fun

Here are just a few more pictures for you all to see. It's been nice being so close to family that we don't get to see very often. I joked with Grandma the other day that I did give her 3 grandchildren so what if one is a dog. She seems to love him. At Gavins soccer game it was cold and he is sooooo small she was keeping him warm. Not to mention there was a bulldog right next to us and Indy thought he was tough barking at him. Grandma to the rescue.
Three of the Witt men together. Who would of thought it would be at a 4 year olds soccer game. If only the rest of the family was here. Kalin would complete the Witt men package. We miss you guys. If Shannon was here we'd see all the siblings together. Not to mention we'd see all the niece and nephews we have missed.
Gavin before soccer and Spencer excited for him. Spencer asked if he could clean the bath so I let him. He was not happy I was taking his picture.
Daddy and Spencer getting ready for a hayride. We went to a church picnic at Gavins school. The boys had a great time playing until Spencer got a sick stomach from going on a merry go round to much. Thank goodness he didn't throw up . I would have! We hope this blog finds you all doing well. We are keeping busy and having fun in New Mexico. It's not home, but we are making the best of it. I never dreamed we'd be so busy here. We miss you.

Gavin at soccer

Gavin has been waiting for his turn to play sports. Well it is finally here. On Saturday he had his first soccer game. Not only did he have his first soccer game he had two in one day. He was a busy boy with a great cheering section. Not only did mom, dad, Spencer and Indy go to see him. Gavin was lucky enough to have Papa, Grandma, Uncle Kevin and Aunt Leah there.
Gavin is one of those players that doesn't play a position he plays the field. Anywhere the ball was so was Gavin. He did score many goals, but lost control a few times too. He was getting tired towards the end of the second game the he wall falling over lots. He loves every minute of it.

Just to show all of you what a ball hog Gavin is here is proof. He would not even let other kids get the ball when it went out of bounds. He wanted to be the one to give it to the ref. Call me crazy but I think that is a little much.
You have to admit he is determined to do well. He really enjoys playing sports. He has had to watch Spencer for so long now it's his turn. He is going to make up for all the times he had to sit and watch.

New puppy

The boys have been asking for a dog for awhile now, we finally gave in. Here he is introducing Indy our new yorkiepoo. He is about 15 weeks and enjoying our family. The boys are having to get used to how small he is. Some may say he looks more like a rat he's only 2.6 pounds. Hopefully, we can fatten him up!

Papa who said he was to small of a dog loves him just as well. He is a very spoiled baby right now. If you let him he'll just curl up and sleep right on you.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

School Days

Spencer had the pleasure of starting school on August 13th. A little early for what we are used to. In Michigan they won't start until after Labor Day. Oh well he had a bit of a short summer. Good thing he doesn't have a real good concept of time. After arriving in Roswell we found out he had to wear a uniform. Let's just say Spencer was not pleased. At first he was having a hard time adjusting, but it has gotten better. He seems to enjoy his days more.

Gavin started pre-k on August 18th. He goes to a school that is ran by two wonderful women that Kyles parent attend church with. When I called to enroll him there I asked if they needed help. Much to my surprise they did. Well I am working at Gavins school in one of the 3 year old classrooms. Gavin has class from 8:30 - 11:30 so he gets to hang out and have lunch with some of his friends until I get off work. We are there from the time we drop Spencer off at school until 1:00 p.m. Gavin seems to really enjoy it. Everyday when I pick him up he tells me "I didn't cry Mommy". They are starting to fell at home here.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

New Mexico Fun

Kyle and I decided to get the boys a new toy. They are the proud owners of a four wheeler. It's a little slow for Spencer, but he enjoys it. Gavin could not be happier. There are lots of empty lots next to our house and our path the Gary and Judy's This is a perfect spot for the boys to ride the 4 wheeler.

When the boys are in the desert (that's what they call it) one rides the 4 wheeler and the other looks for ant hole to ride over. Only boys!
Last weekend (when it was only 71' we had the bright idea to go to the beach. It was a little cold, but we enjoyed it. Next time we will be a little more prepared. Spencer and Gavin were trying to catch minos.
This was the lake we went to. For a short time we were the only ones there. That was great until a bunch of older men in their speedos came along. We could of done without that !

The Trip Down

We left the house before 8:00 a.m. Wednesday July 30Th the boys did awesome. Granted we didn't have many snack of drink so we would not have to stop for them to often. Luck for them they are boys (bad for me) they were able to use a bottle if they had to pee. As long as there was a movie going they were all good. As you can see Gavin was very content if he had a movie to watch and his thumb to suck ! He did tell us that when we got to our "new" house that he wasn't going to suck his thumb. I regret to inform you all we had no such luck.
Spencer made himself comfy and was happy to have a few toys to play with and a movie to watch.
Kyle is the man ... he is such a trooper with being out late the night before he did ALL the driving and never complained once.
As we traveled we had Garmin and a print out from Map quest. Looking at Map quest it seemed like we would be in New Mexico soon. Well we turned a corner as saw this large yellow sign letting us know that we were indeed in New Mexico. I asked Kyle to stop so we could capture the moment and stretch our legs.
It did not take the boys long to make themselves at home at Grandma and Grandpa Witts house. Even though they were not there to greet us Uncle Kevin and Aunt Leah were. Spencer and Gavin jumped right into their bathing suits and got into the pond in the back yard. It's just the right size for them. They love it !

Saying "see ya later"

Our wonderful neighbors and friends had a going away party for us the night before we left. We had many laughs among many games of cornhole finishing the night off with a game of Texas Hold'em. Not that I'm bragging, but I did win. Well I split the pot because it was way toooooo late to play it out. Here is Kyle playing cornhole with our friend Jay.
Me and my girls Stacey and Tonia !!
Gavin chillin with his buddy Nick before we left.
Spencer and Lane in their tee ball shirts and Evan and Adam behind. The boys had a great time hanging out one last time until next year. A year from not I think they will all pick up where they left off.

We appreciate our neighbors who are also our friends. Not all neighborhoods can say that. Luckily, we live on a street where everyone knows your name. (hahaha) We really miss you guys see you in June !

Friday, June 27, 2008

summer sports

Okay, here is my final post for the day. I needed to catch everyone up on what's been happening in our lives. So this past week the boys started summer sports. Spencer is playing tball and Gavin is going to tennis lessons. They both meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10-11 at the high school. It's great they are at the same time, but bad because we can't watch them both. The first day Kyle was working days and I had to run back and forth between the two. Let's just say I got my excercise. Spencer really enjoyed his game. They each bat once in a inning. He did really well playing defense. He got some really good outs. I didn't get to see them (I was with Gavin) but my friend Tonya and Kyle said so. I did get to see him chase another boy down to get him out . Way to go Spencer !!! Just like Spencers program Gavins is ran by high school students. Gavin is in a group of 4, another boy and two girls. He is having fun and wakes up every morning and askes is it tennis day?

He says to me when he was done the first day.

G: I won mom

M: Really? you did

G: Yeah, I hit the ball over the net everytime.

The week after school got out the church the Gavin's preschool is in had VBS. The boys went and had a carnival the last day after it was over. We got to have lunch then go outside for blow up jumpies and games. They had a blast.

All of this and we havn't even got to July. My poor boys need to slow down. I guess I need to slow them down. Spencer was soooo tired the first day of VBS I could hardly wake him up. He ended up staying home with Kyle and I the first day. He went after finding out how much fun Gavin was having.
Hopefully, I won't take so long getting posts up next time. Hope all is werll.

A life in the day.

Recemtly we had a graduation party on our street. After everyone ate we cleared the table out of the garage and all this kids started dancing. It was to cute. Gavin and his buddy were running to eachother and bummping bellies. They not only made the adult crack up, but they were cracking eachother up. It's great fun around here. Spencer was moving to the music with all the others. They really enjoyed their time at the party.
Target had some WII Fits when I was their one day. I picked it up for my plump self. Not only do I get some excercise, but the boys love it. They were racing eachother here. It's good fun for the entire family.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Spencer's Kindergarden Graduation !

Wouldn't you know it, I did these pictures a little backwards. Oh well you get the drift. Anyhow, the Monday before school let out Spencer had Kindergarden graduation. It was priceless !! They all marched in went up on stage and sang a song. Then one by one the teacher called them up and told everyone what their favorite color was, what they wanted to be when they grow up and what they learned in kinder. Spencer's favortie color is blue he wants to be a police officer and learned how to read . They were all so cute dressed up and in their caps.
Spencer marching into the gym for graduation.

Yes, that cookie says class of "2020". Can you believe that? I know they say time flies, but that seems soooooo far away. Look at the excitement on his face. He can't wait to be in 1st grade.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Funny how fast they forget and how fast they remember

Last summer Gavin was like a fish. He loved being in the pool not to mention he wouldn't give Kyle a break he always wanted him to throw him. Well, we go to get into the pool for the first time this year mind you the water was COLD. Some of the kids in the neighborhood were joining my boys and Stacey and I were going to sit this one out and watch them. Gavin gets his life vest on and doesn't seem to want to go in . He tells me the water is to big. So I go to throw him in thinking once he is in he'll love it. Not only do he grab me so hard that I almost fell in, but it was so cold for him it took his breath away. I know your thinking what a mean mom, but I really thought it would all come back to him. He got out of the pool and yelled at me not to do that again. I said I was sorry and told him how he loved it last summer. A few swims later he attempted to get in but he had to use a tube also. Well I'm happy to announce that he is now swimming with out the tube and using only the life vest. He did let Kyle throw him once, but hasn't asked again yet ! He jumps in and announces that he came back up. I simply tell him ( I TOLD YOU SO.) So with time he'll love it all again. Maybe we can get him out of his life vest this summer.

Spencer last summer was swimming without any assistance. After both life vest were stolen when we were on vacation we told him he had to learn we were not buying him another one. Mean, maybe but I worked. Of course he hesitated as well, but he didn't take long. He gets freaked once in awhile he says I was drowning going under. So he'll grab a tube or a noodle as well. Spencer loves to throw in the diving sticks and get them he just doesn't throw them far. He is trying to swim across the pool like last year, but it still needs some work. He does much better swimming under water so I'm trying to show him to do the strokes correctly. We will see because I'm not the best swimmer either. Anyhow, like I said before WELCOME SUMMER. The school year isn't even over and here we go. Until next time. Oh yeah Shannon these are for you. I'll try and do better so you have something to read and look at. Bye


Spencer has really taken a interest in sports. It just took him a little while to come around. This was a nice treat for me to see the boys outside with Kyle playing baseball. I say it's a treat for me because they have been playing in my familyroom.
Here is Gavin having his at bats. If it was possible I think he'd stay outside all the time. I try to make it fair for him, but if Spencer comes in I fell like I can't trust Gavin out. This summer I'm letting the sting go a little and letting them go out on their own. Spencer always tells me he can watch Gavin. With that Gavin has experienced the consequence of not letting us know where he is at all times. Spencer had wanted to come in one afternoon to rest so I ask where is Gavin. " I don't know" was the response I got. (and he wants to watch Gavin outside) I go to find him to check on him. Much to my surprise I could not find him at his usual spots. At this point I've gone out barefoot so I go back to get some shoes and mention to Kyle I can't find Gavin. He get out in his comfy cloths he had just woke up. At this point a neighbor and I are up and down the street shouting his name and looking in backyards, Kyle has gotten on his bike and checking the park and other streets. (Gavin often thinks because he plays with the older kids he can do the things they do such as go the the park.) Finally, Brian says do you check Emma house? I had, but only the backyard. Sure enough he was in her house. So I ask them to send him out and let him know he was in trouble for not letting us know where he was. I sent him into my bedroom to WAIT ! Kyle comes around the corner you can see he was worried and mad all at the same time. I tell him Gavin in fine and waiting for me to come in a punish him. Kyle basically tosses his bike at me and says "I'll take care of it." Oh boy, that doesn't happen often. Mommy is the one who punishes the boys. Needless to say I think Gavin will let us know where he is going to be from now on.

You know there really isn't a day that goes by that there are not MANY children outside playing on our street. Now that summer in upon us we are crazy with kids. School does not officially let out until Thursday, but you can fell the summer in the air. Above is just a portion of the kids that we get to play with on a day to day basis. The kids were lucky enough to join some friends in our neighbors pool this past week. They have a blast together.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Wow where does the time go?

It feels like yesterday that I started this in the beginning of May. Now here we are a few days before June. We have been busy with end of the school year activities. A few days before Mother's Day I was invited to Gavin's class for a Mother's Day Tea. We I arrived Gavin and I had to do a project. A paper plate bonnet for me to wear at the tea. Let's just say it was beautiful ! He was excited because he got to wear his shirt and tie. (See picture below) Mother's Day was great the boys both had great hand made gifts from school for me. Those ones are priceless. They each also gave me a Tigers shirt. Lucky for me now I can rotate at the games. We spent the rainy afternoon having lunch with my parents,brother, sister and her family. It's not everyday that the 11 of us got out to have lunch together. Spencer had a spring concert at school. Poor Kyle got home from work and had to rush to the school for that. He is a trooper ! If you could of only see him. I'm glad he was being animated, but I'm not convinced that he wasn't doing it to keep up with his buddy standing next to him. At the Christmas concert he barely sang let alone dance. He was shakin and movin. I wish you all could have seen him at the end of the performance when the entire school sang. They all sang We Are Family he was shakin his fanny really breakin it down. PRICELESS I tell ya.

We had a very eventful Memorial weekend. Friday some friends came over to play that ended up with half the neighborhood here in the yard. The kids had a great time playing 4 square, hockey, basketball and riding bikes. Saturday the boys got to have a babysitter (they love that) Kyle and I had a Tiger game they won YEAH ! Sunday we went to a bbq/bonfire. We've neve taken the boys to this house because they have lots of property and a creek I was scared of them getting to far. Well, now I feel bad becasue they had sooooo much fun. They were covered in dirt from head to toe. They did get a little close to the fire that freaked me out some. I could hear Spencer laughing so hard from a pretty far dstance away. And it all worked out some of the dads set ground rule no creek ect. and the older kids looked out for them. On top of all that we finally had a warm day yesterday in the 80's the boys and some neighbors swam. The pool was only 67, NO THANKS ! Gavin didn't love it so cold he lost his breath from the shock of the cold. He didn't get back in. We finished the weekend of with a cook out with some friends. GREAT FUN. Back to reality today. Well until next time.

Spring concert

If you can see Spencer was trying to bust a move on the risers at his spring concert. Only if I had a good picture of the end of the performance when the entire school sings. The sang We Are Family, he was shakin his fanny.

Worm fun

Come on this is so cute. He looks like such a little man !

Okay I know that boys will be boys , but look at that worm! Oh how proud they were. They each took turns trying to set a trap to catch a robin. I'm sad to announce that the poor thing didn't make it. They handled it so much, lets just say they each ended up with a shorter worm. You know what I'm sayin?

Here is Spencer before his Spring concert at school. We were testing out the camerea.